1. Administrative Building
Completed in Aug.-2000 with 872.12 sq. Mtr. Plinth area & well furnished with Wi-Fi, intercom, computer room, library, multimedia hall, training halls & conference hall.

2. Farmers Hostel
Completed in Feb.-99 with 198.29 sq. Mtr. Plinth area having 20 beds equipped capacity having kitchen, 2 guest rooms, lavatory etc.

3. Soil & Water Testing Lab
Established during the year 2006 with 28.0 sq. Mtr. Plinth area with facility of testing of major soil nutrients & irrigation water.

4. Agril. Technology Information Center (ATIC)
Established during the year 2007 on 42.77 sq. Mtr. Plinth area utilized for displaying of improved technologies through charts, posters, seed samples, models, farm tools.

5. Vermicompost Unit
Established in collaboration with DSAO, Solapur during the year 2004 with 41.76 sq. mtr. Plinth area having 06 tons /year Vermicompost production & 20 kg earth worms production capacity.

6. Animal Unit
Established at KVK instructional Farm, Hiraj during the year 1998 with 56 sq. mtr. linth area utilized as Goat unit shed having capacity of 50 goats.

7. Azolla Unit
Established in collaboration with ATMA, Solapur during the year 2003 with 37.20 sq. mtr. Plinth area having capacity of 200 kg Azolla culture production/year.

8. Hydroponics Unit
Established in collaboration with ATMA, Solapur during the year 2003 with 9.0 sq. mtr. Plinth area utilized for demonstration & production purpose.

9. Agril. Processing Unit
Established during the year 2007 with 75.60 sq. mtr. Plinth area utilized for demonstration & production purpose.

10. Nursery Unit
Established during the year 2003 in collaboration with YCMOU, Nashik with 222 sq. mtr. Plinth area utilized for demonstration & production of seedlings of vegetables viz. chilli, Tomato, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Drumstick & flower crop like marigold.