About Us
The Shabari Krishi Pratishthan, Solapur has been established as a panacea of the ills and suffering from which agriculture as well as agricultural science is distributed or provoked. The main objective of its establishment is over all development of farming community scattered in different villages of the district.
SKP is the host institute of KVK Solapur former Chairman Late Krishibhushan Shri.Jyotiram Gaikwad established SKP in 1993 at Solapur,beside the work of Agricultural Development Pratishthan also work for technical & social upliftment of the farming community. In recognition of developmental activities carried out by Shabari Krishi Pratishthan (SKP) particularly in dry land horticulture. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi granted the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Solapur in December, 1994. However the actual implementation of technical programmes could be started during June, 1995. Initially the total effort was devoted for development of instructional farm situated near Hiraj, Tal: North Solapur , 17 kms away from Solapur city.

Before conducting the technical activities in focal as well as Satellite villages, a benchmark / PRA survey of the selected were undertaken for knowing the socio-economic conditions of the farmers, available resources, traditional methods of crop production /protection, problems faced by the Farmers and also technological gaps were identified. On the basis of these survey the mandatory technical activities like trainings for farmers, farm women, rural youth & extension functionaries, adaptive trials, Frontline demonstrations and different extension activities were conducted. The KVK has excelled in bringing the modern technological packages at the farmers doorstep with the help of various demonstration unit. The KVK is undertaking massive seed production programme with the help of MPKV, Rahuri & MAHABEEJ for providing the improved varieties of seeds to the farmers.
Mandates of KVK :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)-Farm Science Centre
Science and technology-led growth leading to enhanced productivity,
profitability and sustainability of agriculture.
Mission :
Farmer-centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of
appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective.
Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity
Activities :
On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
Organize Frontline Demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers' fields.
Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies.
To work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest of farmers
Objectivies :
To Promptly demonstrate the latest agricultural technologies to the farmers as well as extension workers of State Departments of Agricultural Horticulture / Fisheries / Animal Science / Non Government Organization with a view to reduce the time lag between the technology generation and its adoption.
To test and verify the technologies in the socio-economic conditions of the farmers with a view to study the production constraints to modify the technologies to make them appropriate.
To impart training to the practicing farmers / farm women, rural youth and field level extension functionaries by following the method of “teaching by doing” and “learning by doing”.
To back-up with training and communication support to the district level development department, viz. Agriculture / Horticulture / Fisheries / Animal Science and Non Government Organizations in their extension programmes.