From KVK Head Desk

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Solapur is established in the year 1994 to meet the challenges in the sector of agriculture and allied subject for frontline extension and application of agricultural technologies for the uplift of farming community. Since inception KVK did the massive work of capacity building of farmers, youth and extension functionaries. Implemented Frontline demonstrations on major crops & enterprises on proven technologies also assessed & refined most recent technologies for solving the major problems in Agriculture. KVK is focused on innovative extension, use of ICTs and group dynamics to reach to unreached. Also promoting Agri-preneurs among youth and farm women through vocational trainings and projects like ARYA and achieved success to greater extent. KVK, Solapur got appreciations of Hon. Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modiji during Video Conferencing on 20.06.2018. Also got state & national level awards & appreciations.
Head and Senior Scientist, KVK, Solapur